Hi Folks -

I have an issue (that others are reporting as well at Apple  
discussions); when using the built in SQLite3 library it seems that  
finalize and close doesn't actually release all of the memory of a  
particular connection.  It isn't reported as a leak or anything.  But  
if you use instruments you can see that the libsqlite3  is sitting  
there talking up memory (not a lot).  It doesn't seem to have anything  
to do with what the db has in it or anything, it's just based on the  
number connections you have ever established (even if they have all  
been killed).

Is this a known issue?  Or am I doing something wrong (_close and  
_finalize are the only two de-constructors or is there something else  
I should be doing as well).

The obvious work around is to establish a single connection and  
maintain it for the life of the app (which is what I did), but this is  
exactly the opposite behavior I want given I'm trying to maintain an  
app that can be killed or die because of battery failure etc at any  
time.   Also it would be really nice to be able to release the db on a  
memory warning.


Ben Smith
Founder / CSA

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