Andrew Drummond wrote:
> for each element1 in (select address.* from numbers,address where
> numbers.number = "12345678"  and numbers.address_id = address.address_id)
> {
>     for each element2 in (select numbers.* from numbers where address_id =
> element1.address_id LIMIT 20)
>     return element1.* , elemen2.number
> }
> the output would be
> 1                Peter            12345678
> 1                Peter            09876654
> 2                Paul             12345678

The following query will produce the output above, but it does not 
implement the limit of 20 numbers per address that is shown in your 
pseudo code.

     select a.address_id,, n.number
     from address as a
     join numbers as n on n.address_id = a.address_id
     where a.address_id in
         (select address_id from numbers where number = '12345678')
     order by a.address_id;

I am still working on a complete query, but I have managed to trigger a 
  crash in SQLite in the process.

Dennis Cote
sqlite-users mailing list

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