On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:47:10 +0530, "Satish"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in General Discussion of SQLite
Database <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>:

>You Said me to create the field as "INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL" instead of
>"INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL".Even we spell differently they are working
>same.it is also auto incrementing.
>sqlite> create table dummytable (recid integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
>label text);
>sqlite> insert into dummytable (label) VALUES ('foo');
>sqlite> select * from dummytable;
>sqlite> create table secondtable (recid INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, label
>sqlite> insert into secondtable (label) VALUES ('foo');
>I am not getting any constraint failed error

Hm, I do get it using the command line tool as downloaded a
few days ago: sqlite_version(): 

create table table1 (
        recid integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, label text);
create table table2 (
        recid INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, label text);
.bail OFF
insert into table1 (label) VALUES ('foo');
select * from table1;
insert into table2 (label) VALUES ('foo');
SQL error near line 5: table2.recid may not be NULL
select * from table2;

Which version do you use?

  (  Kees Nuyt
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