
I am a new sqilte user and I am learning sqlite code in my spare time..
I have always used sql code with Microsoft Access and Base (openoffice). 
Therefore, sorry to ask a question very simple .

When I write the very simple code:
select sum(età) from dipendenti
everything works fine and the result is 100.

I try a bit longer query the result for the sum regarding the column
età from the table dipendenti changes and it is wrong. That is 25200?
(instead of the right value 100!).

The query is:
select avg(age), avg(durata), sum(età) from acoda, main, dipendenti

the above query the avg results for the column age (table acoda) and
the column durata (table main) are right. The only value wrong is the
third, that it, sum (for the table dipendenti, column age, 25200 instead of the 
right value 100).
The column age in the table dipendenti is not present in the other two tables 
(acoda, main).

What's wrong with the second query?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

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