On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 6:12 PM, John Machin <sjmac...@lexicon.net> wrote:
> On 25/02/2009 10:30 AM, P Kishor wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Leo Freitag <leofrei...@netcologne.de>
>> wrote:
>>> Hallo,
>>> I'm trying to insert the highest value of tblName into tblZO.
>>> There fore I followed the hints in this article ...
>>> http://www.nabble.com/How-to-use-the-ROWID-of-the-last-inserted-row-for-FK-insert-into-other-tables--td19085514.html#a19085514
>>> ... but I got a error (see below)
>>> SQLite version 3.3.13
>>> Enter ".help" for instructions
>>> sqlite> create 'tblName' ('id' integer primary key, 'text' text);
>>> SQL error: near "'tblName'": syntax error
>>> sqlite> create table 'tblName' ('id' integer primary key, 'text' text);
>>> sqlite> insert into 'tblName' Values (NULL, 'one');
>>> sqlite> insert into 'tblName' Values (NULL, 'two');
>>> sqlite> insert into 'tblName' Values (NULL, 'three');
>>> sqlite> insert into 'tblName' Values (NULL, 'four');
>>> sqlite> insert into 'tblName' Values (NULL, 'five');
>>> sqlite> create table 'tblRefMaxName' ('ref' integer, 'nn' text);
>>> sqlite> insert into 'tblRefMaxName' Values (select max(id) from tblName,
>>> 'eins')
>> select max(id) from tblName, 'eins' is not a valid select statement.
> That is not the problem. Consider this:

actually it is the problem. I wasn't clear in my explanation so that
is my fault.

the following is a valid statement: SELECT Max(id) FROM tbl

but the following is problematic: SELECT Max(id) FROM tbl, 'eins'

because the SQL parser is looking for a table called 'eins'

Wrapping the first part in parens removes that ambiguity.

> sqlite> insert into 'tblRefMaxName' Values (NULL, select max(text) from
> tblName);
> SQL error: near "select": syntax error
> select max(text) from tblName *IS* a valid select statement. Having a valid
> select statement is of course necessary but it is not sufficient. At this
> stage an expr is expected, and the only way the syntax railroad diagram
> allows you to get a select statement in there is:
>     --- ( select-stmt ) ---
> i.e. like this:
> sqlite> insert into 'tblRefMaxName' Values (NULL, (select max(text) from
> tblName));
> sqlite> select * from tblRefMaxName;
> 5|eins
> |two
> sqlite>
> Note that if the table had only one column you would still need the
> parentheses:
> insert into 'tblRefMaxName' Values ((select max(text) from tblName));
> GENERAL RULE: always wrap an inner select in parentheses, whether it's being
> used as an expression or as a join-source.
> HTH,
> John

Puneet Kishor http://www.punkish.org/
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies http://www.nelson.wisc.edu/
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) http://www.osgeo.org/
Sent from: Madison WI United States.
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