RB Smissaert wrote:

>What SQLite version produced the file World.db3?

I am not 100% sure about the exact SQLite version which I used to create the 
original World.db3, but I am VACUUMing it regularly to bring it up to date with 
recent versions. So I expect it should be some version after 3.6.8.

>I ask as my wrapper doesn't pick correctly the fields of a table.
>This is Olaf Schmidt's VB wrapper dhRichClient with SQLite 3.6.11.

I just did a PRAGMA integrity_check; on World.db3 with the SQLite3.exe v. 
3.6.11 and it reports 'ok'. Looks like a wrapper problem to me.

>BTW, SQLiteSpy looks a very nice GUI tool.



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