sorka wrote:
> I have a table of events that have a title, start time, and end time.
> The start time is guaranteed unique, so I've made it my primary integer key.
> I need all events that overlap the a window of time between say windowstart
> and windowend.  Currently, the statement 
> SELECT title FROM event WHERE startTime < windowEnd AND endTime >
> windowStart. 
> I've indexed the end time and the query is pretty fast, but it could be a
> lot faster if I only had to use the integer primary key.
> If instead I do
> SELECT title from event WHERE startTime > windowStart AND startTime <
> windowEnd
> this will get me almost the same thing except that it will be missing the
> first event that overlaps the windowStart because it's startTime is at or
> before startTime. 
> In this case, if I can get exactly the previous row added to what is
> returned in the results above, I'll have exactly what I need.
> So the question is, when a WHERE clause returns a set of rows, is there a
> way to also get the row at the ROWID that comes just before the row that is
> returned from above with the lowest ROWID?
> Another way of putting it, if I take the lowest ROWID that is returned in my
> second example and get the next lowest ROW, the one that is less than the
> lowest ROWID I got but closest to it .i.e, the one right before it, then it
> would be complete.
This should give you the result you want, all your current results and 
the row with the immediately prior starttime.

select title from event
where starttime > windowstart
    and starttime < windowend
select title from event
where starttime =
    (select max(starttime) from event
    where starttime <= windowstart
This is an alternate version that should perform better in case the 
optimizer doesn't optimize the max() function.

select title from event
where starttime > windowstart
    and starttime < windowend
select title from event
where starttime =
    (select starttime from event
    where starttime <= windowstart
    order by starttime desc
    limit 1);

Dennis Cote

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