Hi everyone,

I'm new to sqlite and this mailing list and hope to get some help
here. I've used SQLite for some projects now and I must say, that it
is the fastes database I ever used. Great work!

But there is one thing, that I really dislike, because I get errors
sometimes with this and that is the type guessing or the untyped way
sqlite returns the data. So I searched the web and found
http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html where strict affinity is
described. I thought great, but how do I enable this option.

After some search I found the thread from Feb. 2008. It sounds like
that isn't a big code change and Samuel Neff wrote exactly that what I
think about this :

> But the important point is that no matter how much discussion we have, we
> will never all agree that untyped is better than typed or that typed is
> better than typed.  That's why an option so individual developers can choose
> is good.  We don't have to agree, with an option we can agree to disagree.
> Sam

So now my question: Why is this not implemented? I'd really like this


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