On 26/03/2009 9:48 AM, JoeT wrote:
> I am trying to run sqlite3 on Solaris 8.  I have managed to compile it- and
> install it.  Basic read and write to a database works fine.  However when I
> use the where command or the delete command it crashes on me and says bus
> error.  It then does a core dump.
> Here is my configure line:
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/sqlite --sysconfdir=/usr/local/sqlite
> --enable-readline --enable-threadsafe
> Make -s
> make install
> Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or maybe some other compile options would
> be appreciated.

IIRC boxes running Solaris are bigendian, most of the rest of the world 
is littleendian ... perhaps this is relevant to your problem.

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