Yang Zhang wrote:
> John Elrick wrote:
>> Yang Zhang wrote:
>>> Roger Binns wrote:
>>>> Yang Zhang wrote:
>>>>> for i in (str(row[0]) for row in conn.cursor().execute('SELECT key 
>>>>> FROM shelf ORDER BY ROWID')):
>>>> You are converting the key which is an integer into a string for no
>>>> apparent reason.
>>> I copied and pasted this code straight from my actual application, 
>>> which uses blobs instead of integers, which I need to convert into 
>>> strings (since Python interfaces with blobs using the `buffer` type, 
>>> not `str`).
>>>> If you also ask for the ROWID you will see that what is happening is a
>>>> new rowid is generated for the replaced row so that if you are 
>>>> iterating
>>>> over the table while modifying it then you effectively have an infinite
>>>> length table.
>>> This is unusual for a RDBMS that claims to provide ACID properties - 
>>> in particular, this is not even as strong an isolation level as 
>>> snapshot isolation, as a reader transaction is able to see a 
>>> concurrent writer transaction's effects.  In fact, this is weaker 
>>> than the weakest isolation level in (say) Postgresql, which is READ 
>>> COMMITTED (in which any statement is guaranteed to not see the 
>>> effects of a transaction that is committed after the query has 
>>> started execution).
>> As I am not an expert in the Python wrapper, I could be incorrect; 
>> however, your code as written appears to be equivalent to the following:
>> begin transaction
>> for select(....
>>   insert stuff
>> end
>> commit
>> rather than your intended:
>> s = select(...
>> begin transaction
>> for s...
>>   insert stuff
>> end
>> commit
>> I say this because your example implies that the Python wrapper starts 
>> the transaction automatically inside the execute, and I would not be 
>> surprised if it did so BEFORE executing the SQL parameter.
> The cursor() method that I call on the conn for the SELECT should give 
> me a separate transaction.

I also tried using separate connections, but that just ends up blocking 
and failing with a timeout on the lock acquisition because it appears 
that SQLite only has full-table locking, and not MVCC/snapshot 
isolation.  Do I need to manually extract out all the data first into 
another store, and then iterate over that to operate on original database?
Yang Zhang
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