On 24 May 2009, at 1:28pm, Lukas Haase wrote:

> Simon Slavin schrieb:
>> On 23 May 2009, at 7:30pm, Lukas Haase wrote:
>>> SELECT topic_fulltext.topicID
>>> FROM fulltext
>>> JOIN topic_fulltext ON topic_fulltext.fulltextID =  
>>> fulltext.fulltextID
>>> WHERE word LIKE 'Word%';
>> WHERE (word LIKE 'Word1%') AND (word LIKE 'Word2%')
>> WHERE (word LIKE 'Word1%') OR (word LIKE 'Word2%')
> No, this is unfortunately not the case :-( I know the usage of LIKE, %
> and =.
> But the problem is here that
> SELECT topic_fulltext.topicID
> FROM fulltext
> JOIN topic_fulltext ON topic_fulltext.fulltextID = fulltext.fulltextID
> WHERE (word LIKE 'Word1%') AND (word LIKE 'Word2%');
> would give me no results.

Oh, I get it.  You have indexed your documents and have a many-to-many  
relationship which is something like

column 1 = word
column 2 = document number

So one word appears in many documents and one document contains many  
words.  That makes sense.

In the case it looks like the best way is to build up a TEMPORARY  
table something like

column 1 = document

using INSERT OR IGNORE, parsing your search requirements (AND, OR,  
NOT, etc.) yourself and turning them into successive INSERT and DELETE  
commands.  So an 'OR' relationship would turn into two INSERT  
commands, whereas an 'AND' relationship would be an INSERT and then a  
DELETE for all cases where the document didn't contain the second  
word.  If you want to allow bracketing in your search strings the  
programming can be complicated.  If you don't, and just work from the  
left to the right of your search strings it should be simple.

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