Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 15 Jun 2009, at 2:37am, Simon Slavin wrote:
>> The examples for the error text I've found are all simple text
>> strings, for instance
>> RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'delete on table "foo" violates foreign key constraint
>> "fk_foo_id"')
>> What I want to do is more like
>> RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Attempt to delete author '||||' who has
>> books.')
>> but that doesn't work.
> No responses to this ?  Can someone confirm for me that error messages  
> from 'RAISE' have to be just pre-assigned text strings and can't be  
> expressions ?
> Simon.

 From the parser you can see the allowed raise function syntax.

    expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP

Where nm is the error message. The nm nonterminal can be replaced by the 

    nm ::= id
    nm ::= STRING
    nm ::= JOIN_KW

and the id can bereplaced by;

    id ::= ID
    id ::= INDEXED

So you can see that the parser is basically designed to only accept a 
STRING at that position, not an expression which is what would be 
required to allow concatenation and other function calls. I assume that 
the other possible values (join keyword etc) would be caught and 
reported as errors.

Dennis Cote

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