On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Zbigniew Baniewski<z...@ispid.com.pl> wrote:
> In the docs there is a remark:
> #v+
>  upper(X)  Return a copy of input string X converted to all upper-case
>  letters. The implementation of this function uses the C library routine
>  toupper() which means it may not work correctly on non-ASCII UTF-8
>  strings.
> #v-
> And yes - alas - upper/lower are unable to do it properly for characters
> "outside ASCII". But I've found some more info:
> http://www.warpspeed.com.au/cgi-bin/inf2html.cmd?..%5Chtml%5Cbook%5CToolkt40%5CXPG4REF.INF+297
> #v+
>  Note: toupper and tolower can only be used for single-byte characters.
>  towupper and towlower should be used for case conversion of wide characters
>  that are equivalent to both single-byte and double-byte characters.
> #v-
> It looks, like the problem could be easily solved just by replacing
> "toupper/tolower" occurences with "towupper/towlower". Am I right?
> If so - perhaps could be such change introduced in new version?

Unfortunately, no.  A correct toupper/tolower would require locale
support and passing in a string pointer, not a char.  Even a wide
character can't store all the information needed to make something

Cory Nelson
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