Ed Hawke wrote:
> All I meant was that in a database you have defined tables with
> defined column names. These are defined before any SQL statements are
> executed and therefore I would classify them as pre-defined.
> Contrast this with the "labels" applied to tables to create a separate
> reference to them within an SQL statement (e.g. a2 in your example).
> Before the SQL statement creating these references is executed then
> they will not be "recognised" by anything (i.e. any references to
> them in other statements will throw up an error). Therefore these are
> only defined when the SQL Statement that defines them is run, and
> therefore I would classify them as run-time defined.

I don't see how this fine distinction is interesting, nor why it's worth 
making. While "predefined" column names may exist, in some philosophical 
sense, outside the context of a SQL statement, the only way for you to 
use them or refer to them is by mentioning them in a SQL statement, at 
which point all distinction between "predefined" and "dynamically 
generated" names evaporates.

Igor Tandetnik

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