Should have included the code that calls:

long id = mDatabase.insert(tableName, null, contentValues);

if (id == -1)
    throw new AppException(message, ErrorCodes.INSERT_FAILED);

The AppException is thrown. But when insert returns -1, that just 
means there was an error. Where is the specific error code?

Is Android swallowing raised exceptions and turning them all into 
just -1?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Showalter" <>
To: "General Discussion of SQLite Database" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 6:03 PM
Subject: [sqlite] Raise is not working

> Schema:
> create table words (_id integer primary key autoincrement, wordtext
> text not null unique);
> create table definitions (_id integer primary key autoincrement,
> owningWordId integer not null unique, deftext text not null);
> create trigger fki_definitions_words_id before insert on definitions
> for each row
> begin
>    select raise (rollback, 'insert on table definitions violates
> foreign-key constraint fki_definitions_words_id')
>    where (select _id from words where _id = NEW.owningWordId ) is
> null;
> end;
> Call db.insert, passing it a definition that has the owningWordId 
> set
> to -1, and the insert returns a -1 instead of throwing.
> Because it doesn't throw, I don't have the error message "insert on
> table definitions violates foreign-key constraint
> fki_definitions_words_id" to work from. Information is simply lost.
> Why isn't it raising an exception?
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