Good day,

Could someone explain where I'm going wrong with this?

I've identified the following query as a bottle neck in a utility I've

insert or replace into main.masterlist select * from delta.masterlist d
where d.write_out_ok=0 and not in(select from main.masterlist M where M.record_updatetime >

The purpose is to import a data from a  remotely created change file, with
only new/newer records.  (Due to the fact that the subject of the data is
shipping / receiving product serial numbers and that data moves faster than
product there is no way independent nodes can create a change to a record at
the same time.  Also, deleting is not allowed.)

The change file is attached as 'delta'

The structure of masterlist in the main database is:
sqlite> .schema masterlist
CREATE TABLE MasterList (SN int primary key not null, TypeID int default 0
references Product_type_dictionary(TypeID)  , ConstructionDate text, MFGID
int default 0 references MFG_dictionary (MFGID), Init_cust_ship_date text,
record_updatetime text default "2000.00.00.00", write_out_ok int default 0);

CREATE INDEX IDX_MasterList on MasterList (write_out_ok, MFGID, TypeID, SN);

main.masterlist has 36,000 records
deltas.masterlist has 9,000 records

Notes about fields:
write_out_ok is a flag indicating that the record has been imported. States
are 1 or 0.
MFGID is a manufacturer, about 4 different ints can be used.
TypeID is a product Type, about 7 different types,

The index is ordered by cardinality, and all int.
record_updatetime  is the modified date & time GMT (UTC),

Experimenting with indexes on the delta file with
No indexes:
7 min 22s

CREATE INDEX IDX_MasterList on MasterList ( SN);
14min 52s

CREATE INDEX IDX_MasterList on MasterList (write_out_ok, MFGID, TypeID, SN);
20 min, 07s

Dropped indexes on both main and delta.
~20 min.

Is the real problem a poor choice of index in main?

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