On Wed, 05 Aug 2009 12:50:15 -0400, Jean-Denis Muys <jdm...@kleegroup.com>  

> You're top-posting, it's evil, the thread is becoming messy. That said...

My impression has long been that top-posting is common and largely  
unavoidable here, and no matter the benefits of what we would consider  
"proper" quoting style, there is clearly no convincing the die-hards.  I  
pretty much only lurk here, but it seems like everyone once in a while  
someone gets sick of the top-posting and tries to educate those doing the  
evil deed, but it never amounts to anything.

The greater distraction for me, though, and one which gives the  
top-posting argument a certain level of credibility here, is that some  
people on this list don't seem to have the habit of trimming messages.   
When I -do- see messages which are interleaved there's often lots and lots  
of junk at the bottom, and that's a shame.

I just roll with it, though, and I would suggest you do the same: it's  
really not worth the aggravation.

J. King
sqlite-users mailing list

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