Maybe something like 

select db1.* from database1.lists db1 union select db2.* from
database2.lists db2;
select db1.* from database1.list_2 db1 union all select db2.* from
database2.list_2 db2;

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
[] För Andrew Gatt
Skickat: den 15 augusti 2009 16:13
Till: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Ämne: [sqlite] Table Exists Query

Hi all,

I have multiple databases, both have a table called "lists" inside this
table is the names of other tables in the database that make up the lists.
Each individual list is made up of the tables that have the same name in
each database (the list is split between different storage devices in this

database 1
"lists" list_1, list_2
"list_1" item_1, item_2
"list_2" item_1, item_2

database 2
"lists" list_1, list_3
"list_1" item_3, item_4
"list_3" item_1,item_2

To get an output with all the lists of both databases i can use a union
command on the "lists" table:

select * from database1.lists union select * from database2.lists;

However if i'm not sure which approach to take to get the contents of a
specific list. I'm trying to replicate this sort of statement:

select * from database1.list_2 union all select * from database2.list_2;

but by my scheme you can't be sure if the list_1 table exists in database2,
which if i'm right will error the statement and provide no output?
The other option is to run a set of statements first checking whether the
table exists and keeping a record of which database does and building the
statement that way, but this seems inelegant. I was hoping someone would
have seen this kind of behaviour before and could point me in the right
direction of a solution? All comments are welcome.

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