I want to use SQLite in a GIS application where I create a database
>containing terrain data (coordinates, height).
>I would like to query this database with start and end points of a 
>line and
>get a vector with all heights point along this line.
>I can, of course create a query for each point along the line, but 
>this will
>be very time consuming as I have hundreds of lines with hundreds of 
>Any suggestions?

Google for "Voronoï diagrams" and "Delaunay triangularization". These 
are the very basic tools for modelling terrain at small scales (with 
small details). From then, if you need profile approximation, then you 
can use one of the many versions of "splines" or "parametric curves" to 
fit the data.

You're certainly better off using a proven dedicated extension for 
doing so.

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