I tried twice to post it but it seems it didn't find its way to the 
list. Sorry if ever it gets dupped.


>insert or replace deletes all rows that weren't specified in the query

Do you have a short example where "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ..." can be 
shown to actually _delete_ rows?
Which query are you refering to?

>i don't know maybe in combination with select there's possible to so 
>sth about
>it - like that:
>INSERT OR REPLACE INTO table (id).... then SELECT...

INSERT (or update) is a different beast from SELECT.  "Then" is 
unexpected in your statement.

 From what I understand, you might be happy with making your Id column 
Integer Primary Key (also look at autoincrement feature) then do a 
standard insert or replace.  But I can't say if this is suitable for 
your precise situation.

Also if SQLite is passed a null Id then it will generate the "next" 
available rowid for you. But then it's no more a one-liner since your 
application need to know which Id the newly inserted row has been 
given, typically with a query like Select 

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