
At 19:47 15/09/2009, you wrote:
>I'm not sure if you are looking to make a entry unique, or determine 
>the order in which the entries occurred. In either case, be aware - 
>time can go *backwards* on a system, especially if it is being syncd 
>to an outside source such as with NTP.
>Normally the 'jitter' is under a second, but exceptions do occur 
>(including the one where the Sysadmin changes the system clock!). Note 
>that a backward "jitter" could (conceivably) result in the same 
>timestamp occurring twice. Also, depending on the resolution of the 
>clock (which may vary depending on installation options) it may be 
>possible for two entries to occur at the same 'time'. As a result, 
>I've sworn off using the time for anything more than a logging label.

That's very true.

Time also sometimes get "weird", i.e. UTC time at leap seconds. 
Depending on the time source, system settings and possibly some untold 
libraries, not all installations cope gracefully with timestamp = 
2008/12/31 23:59:60 xxx.  Some systems, when their are informed well 
ahead of the next occurence of a leap second, shift time gradually over 
weeks so as to avoid a 60th second.

I confess this is a relatively rare event, but it does occur. For 
applications dealing with massive 24/7 input, the chance of recording 
rows during such leap second is 100%.  It seems to be no problem when 
recording an epoch-type timestamp, but when this is displayed or 
selected, such leap second is likely to shift the timestamp to the next 
month or year, which can make a huge difference in particular situations.

There are discussions about getting rid of or maintaining leap seconds 
within UTC.  Nonetheless and independently of future decisions those 
that have already occured... well, they have occured!

Google for leap seconds.  In particular Wikipedia give the schedule and 
also mentions:

Several arguments for the abolition have been presented. Some of these 
have only become relevant with the recent proliferation of computers 
using UTC as their internal time representation. For example, currently 
it is not possible to correctly compute the elapsed interval between 
two instants of UTC without consulting manually updated and maintained 
tables of when leap seconds have occurred. Moreover, it is not possible 
even in theory to compute such time intervals for instants more than 
about six months in the future. This is not a matter of computer 
programmers being "lazy"; rather, the uncertainty of leap seconds 
introduces to those applications needing accurate notions of elapsed 
time intervals either fundamentally new (and often untenable) 
operational burdens for computer systems (the need to do online 
lookups) or insurmountable theoretical concerns (the inability in a 
UTC-based computer to accurately schedule any event more than six 
months in the future to within a few seconds).

Posted outside any leap second to avoid any embarassment.

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