
>I'm using extension for base unicode support 
>(, but in last two 
>releases find the problem with indexes by columns with redefined 
>NOCASE collation

This code has many problems and the version on your site (the same 
version is available elsewhere) doesn't work as expected.  NOCASE is 
not the only function with problems, there are more with UPPER, 
LOWER.  Even some tries have wrong data.  I had to recompile three of them.

I was in need of such extension (and a bit more), started looking at 
open source code and then began work on it.  Unfortunately I had to 
switch to other boring but urgent tasks, and for really much longer 
than I would have liked.

I now have some time to finish it and it should be ready for beta 
anytime soon.

The module offers some universal Unicode support:
LIKE        (unaccented version)
GLOB        (unaccented version)
TYPOS       (unaccented lowercased Damerau-Levenshtein distance on strings
              with support for '_' and trailing '%' as in LIKE)
LETTERS     (a simple wrapper to a Windows function for locale-independant
              unaccented collation)
specific handling for small German sharp s 'ß'

I compile for Windows 32 with MinGW gcc but it shouldn't be very hard 
for someone to make it work on another OS as well.


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