After reading,  I think my query 
meets the requirements for index use with the LIKE operator:

The column is varchar(75) and so TEXT affinity.
The column uses Latin-1 characters exclusively.
The wildcard appears at the far right end of the string literal, e.g. 
myColumn LIKE 'foo%'
The escape clause does not appear.
collation-sequence is default NO-CASE

A question, however, on the Latin-1, ASCII range requirement:  this is a 
column requirement and not a database requirement, correct?  I have 
several columns with text affinity; one is strict ASCII and represents 
characters outside the ASCII range as html-entities (e.g. "ü") and 
the others store the unicode characters. The database encoding is UTF-8.

My query with the LIKE operator worked instantaneously in MS-Access, 
BTW, where I originally had the database. After exporting to delimited 
text and reimporting into SQLite, most queries in SQLite are just as 
fast, executing in under a second. But this query with the LIKE operator 
takes 40 seconds because of the full-table scan.


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