Whilst trying to get a TCL script to create a function in SQLite I ran
into problems and did a lot of Googling.  I got very tired of seeing the
same old same old...

proc sql_sqrt {x} {return [expr {sqrt($x)}]}
db function sqrt sql_sqrt

  It didn't help me because it used only one parameter.  It didn't say
anything about you
- *MUST NOT* have commas between parameters in the function definition
- *MUST* have commas between parameters when actually calling it

  I spent several hours figuring this out.  Here's a working example...

package require sqlite3
sqlite3 db :memory:
db eval {create table dual(x varchar(1))}
db eval {insert into dual values(' ')} 
proc sql_addnum { a b } { return [expr { $a + $b }] }
db function addnum sql_addnum 
db eval {select 'Hello world' as x from dual} {puts stdout "$x"}
db eval {select  99999999999  as y from dual} {puts stdout "$y"}
db eval {select addnum(1, 2)  as z from dual} {puts stdout "$z"}
db close

  And the output is...

Hello world

  Use this code as an example, and it may save someone else some time
down the road.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
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