I have had a very brief time observing the SQLite community, the 
opposite of your own experience, but I have been working with a variety 
of databases since 1985: PICK, Revelation, FoxPro, Paradox, MS-Access, 
Oracle, and SQLServer, among others. I'm not a newbie to databases but 
am a newbie to C.  I've never had the need to learn C to do my work, but 
that could change.

You have distorted the facts to support your position that the requested 
function be kept out of the core.

The requirements for the flip() function I've requested are unambiguous: 
simply reverse the string, raw codepoint by codepoint.  Anything else is 
a different function and not a request of mine. A flip() function that 
does exactly what the counterpart Oracle and SQLServer reverse() 
functions do would hardly be heavyweight, and it would stand the test of 

To lump my little string function request  in with a suite of 
statistical functions is to consider a tricycle on par with an army 
tank. Statistical functions are orders of magnitude more difficult to 

I do not "refuse" to use the existing extension mechanism.  I am waiting 
to hear from Adobe (a SQLite sponsor/Consortium member) whether their 
implementation of SQLite in Flex/AIR supports LoadableExtensions; 
according to the updated documentation that feature is turned off by 
default for security considerations.  If they say yes, they do, I will 
have the option of learning C and writing the function myself (or I can 
borrow one from a generous benefactor). 

Tim Romano

Roger Binns wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Tim Romano wrote:
>> I would hope that it could be included by default. 
> [Note I do not speak on behalf of the SQLite team but have been an observer
> for many years]
> Quite simply you refuse to use the existing extension mechanisms (your host
> language, SQLite's API), can wait for a long time (hence not a priority),
> have not had others clamouring for this functionality (see mailing list
> archives), have ambiguous functionality requirements that may differ from
> others and yet still somehow expect the SQLite team to do this, expect them
> to make it default, expect the various packagers of SQLite libraries to also
> make it default and expect other SQLite users to hack it out for size
> reasons?  Really?  Really :-)

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