2009/12/15 Cariotoglou Mike <m...@singular.gr>:
> I checked in the bug database, and this does not seem to have been
> reported, and IMHO it is definitely a bug.
> workarounds exist,as pointed out by me and others. still, I would like
> to hear from the core team whether this is
> recognized as a bug, and will be dealt with at some point in time.
> btw, I would have liked to post a script demonstrating the bug, but I do
> not think this is possible, due to the fact that the
> command-line sqlite does not handle parametric statements, or at least I
> don't know how to write one :)

I am unable to reproduce your problem (version 3.6.11):

// create table item_artist( artist_id integer, data text );
// create table artists( artist_id integer, data text );
// insert into artists values( 1, 'a1_pic1' );
// insert into artists values( 2, 'a1_pic2' );
// insert into item_artist values( 1, 'a1_item1' );
// insert into item_artist values( 2, 'a2_item1' );
// insert into item_artist values( 2, 'a2_item2' );

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sqlite3.c"

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        int cnt;
        int dbStatus;
        sqlite3* dbH;
        sqlite3_stmt* stmt;
        dbStatus = sqlite3_open( "tstBind.db", &dbH );

        while( fscanf( stdin, "%d", &cnt ) )
                char* sql = "select * from ( select *,"
                        "(select count(*) from ITEM_ARTIST where "
                        "ARTIST_id=artists.artist_id) CNT from ARTISTS ) where "
                        "cnt = :a;";

                const char* tail;

                if( 0 == cnt )

                dbStatus = sqlite3_prepare_v2( dbH, sql, strlen( sql ), &stmt, 
&tail );
                if( SQLITE_OK != dbStatus )
                        printf( "%s\n", sqlite3_errmsg( dbH ) );

                dbStatus = sqlite3_bind_int( stmt, 1, cnt );
                if( SQLITE_OK != dbStatus )
                        printf( "%s\n", sqlite3_errmsg( dbH ) );

                while( SQLITE_ROW == ( dbStatus = sqlite3_step( stmt ) ) )
                        printf( "%s ", sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 0 ) );
                        printf( "%s ", sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 1 ) );
                        printf( "%s\n", sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 2 ) );
                sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
        sqlite3_close( dbH );

        return 0;

On executing if I enter 1 I get
1 a1_pic1 1

and if 2, then
2 a2_pic1 2

which all looks ok

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