seems to clarify things for me on this topic.


On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Tobias Hoffmann <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I had a hard time to understand the FAQ entry on UNIQUE constraint -- in
> the end I had to try out sqlite's behavior myself because the FAQ  -- so
> maybe the wording can be improved and/or an example added.
> Here a some comments:
> > *(26) The SQL standard requires that a UNIQUE constraint be enforced
> > even of one or more of the columns in the constraint are NULL, but
> > SQLite does not do this. Isn't that a bug?*
> So this seems to imply that two NULL values will not violate the
> UNIQUEness of two rows in SQlite. [Btw. shouldn't it be "... enforced
> even IF one or ..."?]
> >
> >     Perhaps you are referring to the following statement from SQL92:
> >
> >         A unique constraint is satisfied if and only if no two rows in
> >         a table have the same non-null values in the unique columns.
> >
> IMHO: as they did't just write  ".. have the same values in the unique
> columns", the database should only compare those columns that are
> non-null when enforcing uniqueness. (just as above -- and as SQlite does
> it).
> >
> >     That statement is ambiguous, having at least two possible
> >     interpretations:
> >
> Now the confusion begins.
> >
> >        1. A unique constraint is satisfied if and only if no two rows
> >           in a table have the same values and have non-null values in
> >           the unique columns.
> >
> Shall this mean something like (parenthesis to show parsing precendence)
>  (no two rows in the table have the same values) and ([they] have
> non-null values) ...    [after some time I realized: this does not make
> much sense. But how else was it meant?]
> or
>  no two rows in a table have (the same values and have non-null values)
> in the unique columns.    [maybe removing the second "have" would help]
> >
> >        2. A unique constraint is satisfied if and only if no two rows
> >           in a table have the same values in the subset of unique
> >           columns that are not null.
> >
> So you compare only those columns that are not NULL, right?
> Where is the difference to (1)? [this made understanding (1) even more
> difficult to me].
> And why does the following paragraph state that that SQLite does not
> follow this interpretation, although it seems that this is the
> unexpected behavior in the original question?
> >
> >     SQLite follows interpretation (1), as does PostgreSQL, MySQL,
> >     Oracle, and Firebird. It is true that Informix and Microsoft SQL
> >     Server use interpretation (2), however we the SQLite developers
> >     hold that interpretation (1) is the most natural reading of the
> >     requirement and we also want to maximize compatibility with other
> >     SQL database engines, and most other database engines also go with
> >     (1), so that is what SQLite does.
> >
> After all I tried with SQLite and found out that you can have two rows
> with NULL in the same (unique-constraint) column.
> But I'm not sure if this is really the point of the question, as I still
> haven't understood (2) [and don't have MSSQL to test] - or whether its
> [wild guess:] about certain behavior with multi-column indices.
> If this is clear to everybody except me, I would appreciate a hint...
> otherwise please consider clarifying this FAQ.
>  Tobias
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