I'm sorry, but I must just be too dense to understand how to use this list.

When I go to 

http://sqlite.org:8080/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users (Note, this info 
page tells only how to post an original message to the mailing list, but not 
how to reply).

and then click on the first link  sqlite-users
                  Archives. It takes you to a web page titled 
The sqlite-users ArchivesThis provides a spreadsheet like table by month for 
threads, authors, etc.  There is no search capability from this page.

>From http://www.sqlite.org/support.html you get to the above website by 
>clicking on sqlite-users.


http://www.mail-archive.com/sqlite-users%40sqlite.org/  archive there is a 
search capability.

Also, I can find no directions or explanations on how to add a reply to a 
thread.  In all mailing list that I have been in, there is a reply button on 
the web page where you are viewing a thread.

I receive the sqlite-user daily digest.  Do you have to receive each post 
separately in order to reply?

This setup is very confusing.

Also, while I am on my soapbox, the documentation could be greatly enhanced by 
providing actual code examples of the sqlite3_* functions (e.g. 

Sqlite is perfect for my application to use as a way to store my "document", 
but the documentation is difficult to follow.  I guess I need an "Idiots Guide 
to SQLite" or an "SQLite for Dummies".  I am converting my application from 
Visual Basic 6.0/Jet DB Engine to a Visual C++/sqlite implementation.  When 
opening my "document", I need to verify the Schema and contents of "hidden" 
tables (created and populated on "File New") to make sure that the database is 
my application's document and not some other sqlite database.  I am having 
trouble doing this schema verification.

I'll go back to lurking,

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