On 02/14/2010 01:09 AM, Simon Slavin wrote:
 > read the distinctions between the different types of 'BEGIN'.

I don't see any mention of flushing behaviour, just earlier locks. I 
guess what I'm asking for is a lightweight two-phase commit, which seems 
easy enough to do given the current implementation.

> But second, you should know that even the default behaviour of SQLite 
> is extremely quick at this. Even just ignoring transactions and 
> issuing a bare 'INSERT' will be extremely fast from begin to end. In 
> fact the extra time it takes to issue the BEGIN and COMMIT commands 
> may actually increase the time between updating your journal and 
> SQLite committing the change. Run some time tests yourself.
This is a long-running transaction with hundreds to tens of thousands of 
modifications made. The problem is that this exists only in the buffers 
and when commit time rolls around it takes long enough to flush them to 
disk -- 0.1s to 5s or more as the OS is also flushing lots of non-sqlite 
pages -- that the user has an opportunity to get bored and interrupt 
with a well-placed Ctrl-C. Python defers the signal until the commit 
completes by which time it is too late to roll back the filesystem 
journal. The bug resulting from this condition has been hit several 
times in real-world situations and is easily reproduced. If the flushing 
could be done in a separate step then the commit process is reduced to 
two sequential unlink() syscalls for the FS journal and for sqlite which 
would make the risk window acceptably small.
> The one thing I wouldn't do is have a second process/thread messing with the 
> same database file.  Multi-access won't speed things up and may slow them 
> down, depending on what you're doing and in what order.
Concurrency is a non-issue as the update blocks any other database 
access anyway. This is a problem of reliability, not performance.

-- m. tharp
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