Mark Brand <> wrote:
> --Gives unexpected results
> SELECT c1.cur cur1, c2.cur cur2, COALESCE(self.rate, x.rate) rate
> FROM currency c1
> CROSS JOIN currency c2
> LEFT JOIN exchange x
>    ON x.cur1=c1.cur
>    AND x.cur2=c2.cur
> LEFT JOIN (SELECT 1 rate) self
>    ON c1.cur=c2.cur;
> /* results
> */

Yes, looks like a bug to me. I see no reason why it shouldn't work. LEFT JOIN 
should never produce fewer rows than what left-hand-side table contains.

As a workaround, try this instead:

SELECT c1.cur cur1, c2.cur cur2,
    (case when c1.cur=c2.cur then 1 else x.rate) rate
FROM currency c1
CROSS JOIN currency c2
LEFT JOIN exchange x
    ON x.cur1=c1.cur
    AND x.cur2=c2.cur;

Igor Tandetnik

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