On 2/24/10 19:19 , "D. Richard Hipp" <d...@hwaci.com> wrote:

> On Feb 24, 2010, at 1:12 PM, Mike Shal wrote:
>>> This compiler is llvm. Check it out at http://llvm.org
>>> You can test for this mistake on the demo page at http://llvm.org/
>>> demo
> FWIW, there are currently two places in SQLite where we have had to
> complicate the code in order to work around bugs in LLVM.
> D. Richard Hipp
> d...@hwaci.com

Yes LLVM and especially Clang are rather young. It's not surprising they do
have bugs. Hopefully, the issues that you encountered with SQLite will let
them fix those bugs and improve.

Overall however, I am very impressed by what the LLVM has been able to
accomplish in just a a few years.

For example, LLVM is behind:

- the latest Objective C 2.0 Mac OS X compiler
- the Arm compiler with Objective-C support for the iPhone
- The MacRuby interpreter and native compiler for the Ruby language
- The Smalltalk system part of the Étoilé project.

The main lacking point (for me) now is C++ support. It's planned for the end
of this year. I hope they can make it.


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