
I think I may have found a bug where affinities change through the HAVING 
expression.  For example, under v3.6.22, if I do...

create table t1(a text, b int);
insert into t1 values(123, 456);
select typeof(a), a from t1 group by a having a<b;

then I get "integer|123" when I would expect "text|123"

If, instead, I do...

select typeof(a), a from t1 group by a having a=123;
select typeof(a), a from t1 group by a having a='123';

then I get "text|123" as expected (note: this was previously fixed under 
ticket #3493 at http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=3493).

Can anyone confirm that this is indeed a bug?  I've not provided the sql 
statement I'm trying to run, but instead created a set of statements to 
match the style used in tkt3493.test to better isolate the problem as I 
see it.  I trust this is more helpful.

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