Hi Andy,

Instead of adding the definition

cmd ::= set_item.

have you thought about defining the acceptable alternatives to "SET"? For 

set ::= SET.
set ::= .
cmd ::= set set_list.

The way you specified it on "cmd" I think created your problem. By adding 
another level it may give the parser enough room to work the way you wanted.

I haven't tried your specific grammar, but I had a similar issue and this 
seemed to work for me.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org [mailto:sqlite-users-
> boun...@sqlite.org] On Behalf Of Andy Gibbs
> Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 8:04 AM
> To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Question about lemon
> Hi, sorry to bump this thread, but I thought I'd just try once more to
> see
> whether anybody might have some insight on the problem I'm having with
> Lemon, as detailed in the original post below.  I'm sure posts that
> languish
> on this mailing list quickly get snowed under!  I appreciate its not an
> Sqlite question, but I don't know where else to post questions about
> Lemon.
> Thanks!!!
> Andy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andy Gibbs"
> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 10:54 AM
> Subject: Question about lemon
> > Hello,
> >
> > Is it alright to ask a quick question about the lemon parser in this
> > mailing list, or is there a dedicated one which I should post this to
> > instead?
> >
> > I'm using lemon to create a parser for a simple c/basic-like grammar,
> > and have among other rules, the following defined (I've trimmed it
> down
> > to what I believe are the important bits for this email, so hopefully
> > its all there):
> >
> > cmd       ::= WHILE expr DO cmd_list END.
> > cmd       ::= CASE case_list END.
> > cmd       ::= SET set_list.
> > cmd_list  ::= cmd_list cmd SEMI.
> > cmd_list  ::= cmd SEMI.
> > case_list ::= case_list case_cond cmd_list.
> > case_list ::= case_cond cmd_list.
> > case_cond ::= WHEN expr THEN.
> > case_cond ::= ELSE.
> > set_list  ::= set_list COMMA set_item.
> > set_list  ::= set_item.
> > set_item  ::= ID ASSIGN expr.
> >
> > This in itself works correctly, parsing such code as...
> >
> > SET a := 0;
> > WHILE a < 12 DO
> >  some_other_statement;
> >  CASE WHEN a = 5 THEN
> >    another_statement;
> >    yet_another_statement;
> >  WHEN a = 11 THEN
> >    do_something;
> >  END;
> >  SET a := a+1;
> > END;
> >
> > However, I would like to be able to add the rule:
> >
> > cmd ::= set_item.
> >
> > so that the "SET" keyword becomes optional in the above code (i.e. so
> > that I can write "a := 0;" instead of "SET a := 0;").  When I do this
> > however, the parser then fails to parse CASE constructs.
> >
> > I believe I know where the problem lies: I am using the %fallback
> > directive which includes a number of keywords that fallback to "ID",
> > and in this list is the "END" keyword.  Ideally I would like to leave
> > the fallback list as it is, if possible, and in fact I'd much rather
> > not add the additional rule than change this!
> >
> > What interests me is that the WHILE construct still parses correctly.
> > An output from the parser trace gives the following:
> >
> > ...
> > Stack: WHILE expr DO cmd SEMI
> > Input END
> > Reduce [cmd_list ::= cmd SEMI].
> > Shift 8
> > Stack: WHILE expr DO cmd_list END
> > Input SEMI
> > Reduce [cmd ::= WHILE expr DO cmd_list END].
> > Shift 410
> > Stack: cmd
> > Shift 515
> > Stack: cmd SEMI
> > ...
> >
> > But with the CASE construct, I get:
> >
> > ...
> > Stack: CASE case_list case_cond cmd SEMI
> > Input END
> > Reduce [cmd_list ::= cmd SEMI].
> > Shift 10
> > Stack: CASE case_list case_cond cmd_list
> > Shift 713
> > Stack: CASE case_list case_cond cmd_list END
> > Input SEMI
> > Syntax error!
> >
> > My understanding is that it simply isn't able to reduce "CASE
> case_list
> > case_cond cmd_list END" to "CASE case_list END" and then "cmd" and so
> > instead takes "END" to be the left-hand-side of the "set_item" rule
> as
> > a continuation of "cmd_list", gets a semi-colon as the next character
> > which according to that rule would be a syntax error.
> >
> > My question -- sorry this is such a long post -- is, what is it about
> > the grammar for WHILE which allows it to work, and CASE that causes
> it
> > to fail?  It is because there is an extra "list" level in the grammar
> > ("case_list" -> "cmd_list", instead of just "cmd_list")?  Is there
> any
> > way I can change the grammar to do what I hope to do, or is this a
> > limitation of lemon?  I've tried adding a rule "cmd ::= CASE
> case_cond
> > cmd_list END" but this causes a parsing conflict error message in
> lemon.
> > I've also had a look into the lemon source code to see if I could
> find
> > an answer there, but I'm afraid its engineering brilliance is beyond
> me!
> >
> > Thank you very much for any help that can be offered.
> > Andy
> >
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