Hello All.

I'm just looking for a little clarification, or perhaps ratification is a
better word.

I'm writing a line-of-business app for a small business segment, and I need
to be able to provide on-disk encrypted database files.  The encryption
doesn't need to be a brick wall, just a hurdle will do.  As this app is
targeted for Windows desktops, if the hacker has access to the database
file, then he has access to the machine, so a sufficiently determined attack
will succeed.  The primary expected threat vectors facing the encryption
will be overly-inquisitive and opportunistic users.

So, now that you have the background, my intention is to utilize the RC4
encryption implementation provided in the public domain by Robert Simpson,
the author of System.Data.SQLite.dll, and to include that code in my own
compilation of the source amalgamation of SQLite.dll, version 3.6.23 .  I
haven't tried it yet, but I don't really forsee any insurmountable technical
problems with this approach.

While I understand that the code bases for both libraries are open-source, I
just want to make sure that I'm not stepping on anyone's toes with this
approach, as I greatly appreciate the work of both parties.  And, while I am
positive that the proprietary SQLite Encryption Extension would produce a
much more hardened target, it's hard to justify the investment since I don't
need that level of encryption strength, and given the fact that the app will
not have broad appeal outside of its business segment -- which means that
development costs have to be justified with the final product price point in

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm being too much the bean-counter instead of
the coder, but, you know, the beans pay the bills, and I kinda like having
electricity. :)  At any rate, if I'm on the verge of a major faux-pas,
someone please let me know, and suggest possible alternatives.


Mark Benningfield

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