On Mon, 3 May 2010 11:24:49 +0100, Simon Slavin
<slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>If you're going to mostly pass data for use with web applications then JSON is 
>possibly a more appropriate format

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>The problem is not in coding it -- that's relatively easy.  The problem is in 
>who would use it.

Anyone who is currently using SQLite but needs...
0. a supported (so it's updated when a new version of SQLite comes out
that might require some changes in the solution)
1. cross-platform (so the server can run on Windows, Linux, MacOS)
2. easy-to-deploy client/server alternative since it's a single binary
3. that simply listens on a TCP port instead of the headaches of
sharing a directory with SMB/CIFS
4. to safely share an SQLite database among a few concurrent clients
(otherwise, people would just use a full-fledged DMBS)
5. and uses HTTP so that no specific client-side component is required

I don't know if it'd be easier to combine existing HTTP server +
SQLite, or go from Fossil and remove things that aren't needed.

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