On Tue, 4 May 2010 14:22:25 +0100, "Mark Coles"
<m.co...@virgin.net> wrote:

>Hi there,
> trying to INSERT a new row into a table and got a few
> errors which I think I've sorted, I was getting a
> couple of errors that date columns for FirstCreated
> and LastModified (datetime Type) may not be NULL,
> so I included them in my insert line as follows
>  INSERT INTO Aircraft  (FirstCreated,LastModified,ModeS)
>  values  ('2010-05-04 09:21:31','2010-05-04 09:21:31','C40000');

Datetime is not a type in SQLite, you are storing date/time
stamps as TEXT here.

> and it seems to have worked as that row is now
> in my (test)database, what I was wondering about
> were the boolean fields, they are all filled in
> with zeroes, so this is a good sign, yes?

Boolean is not a type in SQLite. You are encoding them as
integer, deliberately or by accident. We have no way to know
whether zero is a proper value.

> Also, what about the relationships between this table
> and others in the database, should everything be OK
> as I want to share this but not screw up other peoples databases

We cannot answer that question without knowing 
1- the schema of your database
2- the schema of other peoples database
3- a type-and-data dump of your database
4- a type-and-data dump of other peoples databases

You can generate 3 and 4 yourself with something like

        typeof(col1 AS t_col1), col1,
        typeof(col1 AS t_col2), col2,
   FROM atable.

I think it is your job to do that comparison, not ours.
If you find anything irregular you can't understand after

http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html and 

you can ask that specific question here.
  (  Kees Nuyt
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