From: Gilles Ganault <>
> On Tue, 1 Jun 2010 08:40:15 -0300 (BRT), Israel Lins Albuquerque
> <> wrote:
> >Look for C++ QT framework!
> Thanks, I'll check it out.


As you may be aware, SQLite and Tcl/Tk have an affinity which was not 
entirely accidental.  There are threads which discuss compiling Tcl for


And you might find some binaries in various places:


If your Arm platform is a full blown Linux with the development 
environment, the problem is further reduced to a simple ./configure ; make 
; make install (or two) rather than a cross compilation using a Canadian 
Cross (tricky).

Elsewhere in this thread, someone mentioned PHP, and PHP can, in theory be 
run stand alone (without Apache).  Moving from a scripting language/SQLite 
solution to a C++/Qt/SQLite solution is quite a step, IMHO.  I'm not sure 
about the state of the Java VM on the ARM platforms, but that too might be 
a possibility ... but I'd certainly give the Tcl/Tk+SQLite a shot first. 
I've not used Lua, but I understand it to be highly portable ... but I 
have no knowledge of SQLite bindings for it ... shouldn't be hard, though.

Rob Sciuk
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