Hello noel,

Well, I have a large install base of users both foreign and US
based and most of them still use XP. The benefit of Windows 2000 is
that it's easily pirated (more easily than XP is what I mean). My
software still works under Win2k, though the users have to install a
a DLL from Microsoft. I'm not clear if my next version will run on

As for the original problem, find the DLL and place it in the same
folder as the application and it should work.


Saturday, June 5, 2010, 11:20:20 AM, you wrote:

nf> Roger Binns a écrit :
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 06/05/2010 04:21 AM, noel frankinet wrote:
>>> But in fact sqlite runs perfectly fine on windows2000 
>> Exactly as my second paragraph says.  But in the Windows 2000 time frame
>> applications used to install their own copies of msvcrt.dll in the system
>> directories which means one broken application is all it takes to screw that 
>> up.
>> But when the operating system vendor no longer supports a platform it is
>> increasingly pointless for a software person to continue support.  At some
>> point you have to call it quits.  (For example see who still supports
>> Windows 95, MacOS 7 or Redhat Linux 3.)
nf> I see windows 2000 as the finest os that redmont has produced. You'd 
nf> better not develop on the latest ms os if you want to have some 
nf> installed base.
>>> and is compilable 
>>> with any free compiler (mingw for instance)
>> You are mixing multiple things up.  There are two different issues: source
>> compatibility and binary compatibility.  SQLite does compile with pretty
>> much any C compiler out there (source compatibility).
>> Binary compatibility is a bit more tricky.  The compiler links SQLite
>> against system libraries that provide underlying functionality such as file
>> access, memory allocation etc.  What happens is compiler and platform
>> specific.  In general the resulting SQLite works with that version of the
>> operating system and any version going forward but not older ones.  In the
>> case of Microsoft, they have been distributing the C libraries with the
>> compilers not the operating system and been numbering the C library as part
>> of the file name.  Additionally various data structures (eg stdio) have
>> changed between library versions and having multiple versions of the C
>> library used in the same process is a recipe for problems.  Applications
>> should be putting the C libraries in their own directories and not system
>> locations.  msvcrt.dll (with no numbers) is a special case and is in system
>> directories and in theory is for the use of operating system applications
>> only.  Because of that pervasiveness MinGW targets it as the C library.  In
>> fact they claim to support no other version, although their compiled DLLs do
>> work with other versions in my experience.
nf> I did not know that mingw was using msvcrt.dll. But anyway, its there,
nf> in system directory, so it should run fine.
>> BTW I believe the distributed SQLite Windows DLL is actually produced by a
>> gcc cross compiler on Linux, which you could label MinGW as well.
nf> Yes I think so too.

nf> Best regards
nf> Noël
>> Roger
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