2010-06-09 Tomash Brechko <tomash.brec...@gmail.com>:
> With SQLite I see the following:
>  $ ./sqlite3 /tmp/a.sqlite
>  SQLite version
>  Enter ".help" for instructions
>  Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
>  sqlite> CREATE TABLE t (c1 INTEGER, c2 INTEGER);
>  sqlite> INSERT INTO t (c1, c2) VALUES (5, 5);
>  sqlite> SELECT * FROM t WHERE c1 = 5 AND c2 > 0 AND c2 <= '2';
>  sqlite> CREATE INDEX t_c1_c2 ON t (c1, c2);
>  sqlite> SELECT * FROM t WHERE c1 = 5 AND c2 > 0 AND c2 <= '2';
>  5|5
> Note that the same query may or may not return the result based on
> whether there's an index present.  Apparently on second invocation the
> comparison is 5 <= '2', and numbers compare before strings.
> It's not clear to me which result should be considered correct though:
>  sqlite> select 11 > 2;
>  1
>  sqlite> select '11' > '2';
>  0
>  sqlite> select '11' > 2;
>  1
>  sqlite> select 11 > '2';
>  0
> It seems that last two cases should compare the same way, no matter
> what the actual affinity rules are.

I just tested MySQL 5.1.47 :
mysql> select 11 > 2;
| 11 > 2 |
|      1 |
1 row in set (0.40 sec)

mysql> select '11' > '2';
| '11' > '2' |
|          0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select '11' > 2;
| '11' > 2 |
|        1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select 11 > '2';
| 11 > '2' |
|        1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

And PostgreSQL 8.4.4 :
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# SELECT 11 > 2;
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT '11' > '2';
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT '11' > 2;
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT 11 > '2';
(1 row)

I consider MySQL and PostgreSQL are doing the correct thing so I
consider this a bug in SQLite.
Could you open a bug at the tracker? (If there is a bug open, what id it is?)
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