On 25 Jun 2010, at 7:06pm, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

> On 06/24/10 05:13 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
>> I see.  You are building from the amalgamation.  And you should be too.  But
>> you are right - we do not ship test suites with the amalgamation.  To use
>> the free test suite for SQLite, you have to build from canonical source
>> code.  We have a separate test harness for the amalgamation (the one that
>> provides 100% branch test coverage) but that one is not free, I'm afraid.
> Do you (or anyone else for that matter), not believe it is reasonable to 
> include 
> a test suite with any distribution?

You'll find a number of FREE distributions of SQLite source code files here:


The full distribution is the one called

sqlite-3_6_23-tea.tar.gz (1.14 MiB)

And, as you can see, it includes a test suite.  The purpose of the test suite 
is /not/ to test SQLite itself because the authors have done that.  It's to 
test your hardware, OS, compiler and linker to make sure that your own 
compilation of SQLite is sane on your particular platform.  The only people who 
run the test suite in anger are those who are compiling for non-standard 
hardware (embedded platforms) who are rare, and those who think they've spotted 
a bug in SQLite who are even rarer.

Many people who run SQLite are not really concerned about the inner workings of 
SQLite.  They are dealing with a big and complicated set of source files 
themselves and they don't want one tiny piece of their program -- a database 
engine -- to look big and complicated in their development environment.  For 
those people, SQLite makes the amalgamation package available: one file of C 
code and one header file, which is as simple as C gets.  That's the one you 
were told to use for your programming:

sqlite-amalgamation-3_6_23_1.zip (1.07 MiB)

If you have no reason to be suspicious of SQLite because you use the same 
hardware and compiler as everyone else, the amalgamation files are the only 
ones you need, and that's the way almost everyone does it.

So you have the test suite right there, for free, if you need it.  The reason 
you were initially told about the amalgamation version is that almost nobody 

> I'm not talking about something that uses weeks of CPU time, gives 100% 
> branch 
> coverage and requires commerical licences to use.  Instead, I am suggesting a 
> more limited set of tests that try to find problems within a reasonable time 
> frame - perhaps 15-30 on a modern computer, without requiring any commercial 
> software.

That's the way SQLite splits it: the really big and complicated test suite is 
not a freebie (and is not mentioned on the above page).  However, there's a 
smaller simpler and faster set of tests, still quite thorough, which you can 
get free as described above.

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