Black, Michael (IS) wrote: 

> Does anybody know how to make the journal file go to a different 
> location than the database?  Apprarently it's not treated as a "temporary" 
> file.  Perhaps it should be??  

Seems like you'd have to communicate the journal location to other 
processes, meaning you'd have to write the name of the journal file 
into the main db, in the header or something.  I think sqlite doesn't 
do that at the moment, which means you'd have to change the file 
format, which sqlite devs are loath to do.

Eric A. Smith

    -- Sir George Bidell Airy, KCB, MA, LLD, DCL, FRS, FRAS
       (Astronomer Royal of Great Britain), estimating for the
       Chancellor of the Exchequer the potential value of the
       "analytical engine" invented by Charles Babbage, September
       15, 1842.
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