I have never worked with 2 tables in a many-to-many relationship and could use 
some help. 

I have done some research and have the following understanding: 


table a 

   _id integer primary key, 

   a_data varchar(40); 

table b 

   _id integer primary key, 

   b_data varchar(40); 

I should define a 3rd table - 

table a_b 

   aID integer not null, 

   bID integer not null; 

where - 

aID is the _id field from the "a" table 

bID is the _id field from the "b" table 

My questions are: 


   What would an "insert" statement look like that inserts data into table "a" 
and table "b", gets the value of the "_id" fields of each table after the 
insert, and inserts those 2 values into the a_b table? 

   Do I need a primary key field in the a_b table? If so, would it be a 
combination of the (2) _id fields already present in that table. 

    If so, how do I specify that? 

I will probably have other questions after I get these resolved, but having 
these answered would be a great help to me to get started. 

Thank you in advance to anyone wishing to respond. 

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