Paul Sanderson <> wrote:
> I have two tables and I want to copy (occasionally) a few thousand
> columns that have been added to table1 into table2, both tables have
> the same unique key but otherwise the columns are different.
> table2 will be initially populated from table1 using
> INSERT into table table2 SELECT refno from table1 WHERE flag > 0
> I could drop table2 and then do the above but will then obviously lose
> any data that has been modified in table2. How can I just append the
> new rows from table1 into table2

If refno is a primary key in table2, or has a unique constraint on it, you can 

insert or ignore into table2(refno)
select refno from table1;

"or ingore" part instructs SQLite to skip over all rows that would cause 
uniqueness conflict if inserted.
Igor Tandetnik

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