I need to search for string prefix matches; for example given the path 'PP',
I need to find 'PPA', 'PPBJQ', and 'PPz'.  (The character set is all
characters greater than or equal to 'A', and is case-sensitive.)   A
statement that does exactly what I want is

"UPDATE item SET hasChildren = EXISTS (SELECT path FROM item AS c WHERE
substr(c.path, 1, length(item.path)) == item.path AND length(c.path) >
length(item.path)) WHERE path = ? OR path = ?"

I used to use

"UPDATE item SET hasChildren = EXISTS (SELECT path FROM item AS c WHERE
c.path GLOB item.path || '?') WHERE path = ? OR path = ?"

(These searches are slightly different, since the first one finds all items
which start with either given string, and the second finds only the
immediate children.  In this example, they produce the same result.)

I can't use the second statement, because GLOB uses brackets as wildcards
(asterisk and question mark are not present in my strings).   However, GLOB
would be faster, because of the index optimization (
http://www.sqlite.org/optoverview.html section 4.0).

When I'm directly querying for items, instead of using the EXISTS
expression, I can do something like this (in JavaScript, using the HTML5
relational database API):

nextPath = project.path.slice(0, -1) + String.fromCharCode(project.path.
charCodeAt(project.path.length-1) + 1);

transaction.executeSql("SELECT dbId, path, summaryText, dueDate FROM item
WHERE path >= ? AND path < ? AND dueDate IS NOT NULL", [project.path,nextPath],

Is there a faster statement that does what I want (my first SQL statement
above) in pure SQL?

Doug Reeder

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