
Is it somehow possible to combine these three things?

(1) match column: ... MATCH 'column:foo'
(2) prefix query: ... MATCH 'foo*'
(3) phrase query: ... MATCH '"foo bar"'

I think (1) and (2) is no problem. For example if I want to search all 
documents containing words beginning OR ending with "foo" and "bar" [1]:

   (content:foo* OR reverse:oof*) OR (content:bar* OR reverse:rab*)

However, I did not manage to combine these with (3). Especially (1) and 
(3) would be useful. E.g.:

   (a)  content:"foo bar"
   (b)  "content:foo bar"
   (c)  content:"foo bar*"
   (d)  "content:foo bar*"

but neither of these work :(

The best would be if (c) would work ...

Regards, Luke

[1] I included a column "reverse" which contains the whole text in 
reversed order in order to emulate postfix search *foo via oof*

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