On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Max Vlasov <max.vla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Cory, thanks, just wondering, is the nature of the index internals is a part
> of SQL standard or just a common sense. For example, I can imagine real
> example when the space used is not a big problem so index could contain
> other non-indexed fields just for benefits of returning them without
> necessity to query the main table. Also (unlikely really used, but
> theoretically possible) minimalistic approach to space when only rowids (or
> equivalent) is saved and every operation including comparision operation
> requires querying the main table by rowid. It seems that in the first case
> the benefits of the index for faster loading will be completely lost.
> Max

First, I'd like to point out that if you fiddle around with EXPLAIN,
you will find that, interestingly enough, creating an index internally
behaves a lot like if you placed insert/update/delete triggers on your
table -- but the index requires a LOT less code (in fact, a single

Second, on the subject of indexes:

Indexes have two properties that make them beneficial in two different ways:
1. They are sorted, so any WHERE clause that matches the first N
columns can be matched very effectively.
2. They contain only a subset of the columns in the main table, so
they are smaller -- so reading through the entire index is faster than
reading through the entire table.

Now, my tests indicate that SQLite's optimizer is *not* clever enough
to account for #2:

CREATE TABLE Foo (value integer primary key, insertdate text not null,
name text not null);
CREATE INDEX date_IX on Foo (insertdate);

sqlite> explain query plan select insertdate from foo;
orde  from           deta
----  -------------  ----
0     0              TABLE foo

It would be an interesting attempt to try efficiently patching SQLite
to recognize this situation and read data directly out of the index.

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