Quoth Artur Reilin <sql...@yuedream.de>, on 2010-10-05 15:06:57 +0200:
> What I'm currently using is get the file contents and then use
> base64_encode to store them in database. But that just blows the size up.
> I saw that the firefox database (places.sqlite) store the favicons
> directly in database. I searched around and cannot found a doc how they do
> this.
> Some days ago I found the following code:
> $image_handle = fopen($file,"rb");
> $image = addslashes(fread($image_handle,filesize($file)));

Why are you using addslashes?  This sounds like you're trying to embed
the whole thing as an SQL literal.  Don't do that.  Use a parameter in
the SQL, then bind it with type SQLITE3_BLOB, ideally using a column
with NONE affinity (e.g., of type BLOB NULL) underneath.

(The addslashes function is often a red flag in the general case.)

See http://us2.php.net/manual/en/sqlite3stmt.bindvalue.php if you
haven't already.

   ---> Drake Wilson
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