The sqlite int space is 64 bits.  You'd have to generate 1 billion keys 
per second for ~600 years to exhaust the space.  Is my math right?


> Hello, 
> My Primary Key is an integer.  In the lifetime of a product, it may 
> increase to the maximum possible value of an integer.  Our processor will 
> make it overflow into a very large negative number and so on.  
> My specific question is, if overflow occurs, how does sqlite deal with 
> it?  
> 1.  What if its a large negative number ?  
> 2.  What if there is already a PK with the rolled over value, say 1?  
> This maybe a common problem you all may have ran into.  Hope you can 
> help answer.  
> Thanks, 
> Kavita 
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Eric A. Smith

Aeropalmics (ayr o palm' iks), n.: 
    The study of wind resistance conducted by holding a cupped 
    hand out the car window.
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