On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 5:44 AM, Yang <teddyyyy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I wonder why we need page cache, since we already have OS file cache.
> in other words, if we simply set OS cache to be very large, would it
> have the same effect as page cache?
sqlite operates on some level of abstration. For example, it doesn't know
anything about the cost of reading one particular page. The reading request
routes through its own VFS interface (virtual file system) where enryption
or compression for example could be implemented, the following reading
request(s) goes to OS that could have or could have not hard disk cache
enabled, and finally there would be a ram disk, harddisk, network drive etc
on the final stage. But it surely knows that if it saves a page just read in
its own cache, it will retrieve it with the fastest speed possible. And even
if you as a developer know that you're on a desktop OS with system cache
enabled and the base is on a fast harddisk, the call for page reading is
still costs a little more.

Another observation. It is well known that on some systems (windows for
example) system cache is very hard to control. Even if you use some tricky
utility, the system would probably use your suggestion as a hint. Also, the
logic behind the system cache is sometimes very complex of just hidden.

So if you really want to control caching, pragma cache_size is a better way
imho. Speaking of the resource consumption one can expect that making sqlite
cache big forces many pages cached twice, one time - in system cache, one -
in sqlite', but I'm sure the system cache usually has a sane logic and never
gives one single file very much on a constant basis. Although on some system
file opening can be made with a special flag disabling system cache for this
particular file. If it's implemented in sqlite, this will give the developer
the way to rely fully on the sqlite cache and save some resources.

Max Vlasov,
sqlite-users mailing list

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