Tito Ciuro <tci...@mac.com> wrote:
> Let me start by saying that I'm aware that sqlite3_get_table() should not be 
> used (as per the documentation). I'm curious about
> one thing though: if the computer/device has sufficient memory to hold the 
> result set returned by sqlite3_get_table(), wouldn't
> it be more optimized performance-wise than calling sqlite3_step N times to 
> obtain the same result set?  

sqlite3_get_table is just a wrapper around sqlite3_prepare/sqlite3_step.

> Sounds like sqlite3_get_table() would take less time to access the storage 
> subsystem as opposed to sqlite_step() with multiple
> roundtrips

You say "roundtrip" as if it's a network request to some remote machine or 
something. Here, a "roundtrip" is a function call within the same process. In 
this sense, a call to malloc is a roundtrip to memory allocation subsystem - 
you want to avoid those at all costs, right?
Igor Tandetnik

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